
Showing posts from 2014

We are beautiful

Without a doubt, every woman at some point in her life doubted that she was beautiful. Being beautiful is something that has been rooted in us since childhood and we constantly seek affirmation and need to hear it constantly to even think that its true. We are all so different in size, features and even personalities that their is virtually no way of labeling what the poster child of beauty is. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. And more importantly, it is is the eyes of our creator. So many times we forget that we were made exactly the way we are for a reason. We need to remind ourselves that we were made in HIS image. Calling yourself unattractive doesn't only bring you down, but it insults God. God invested beauty in our lives, in our appearances and more importantly in our hearts. The older I get, the more I realize that looks can easily fade away. Countless times, Ive encountered beyond gorgeous women, only to realize that they have rotten personalities and hearts.

There is always a beggining..

There is always a beginning to every idea. A spark of some sorts to create a new relationship, a connection that brings a friendship together, and a new experience that ignites a passion. I was never considered a writer or blogger at that, but for quite some time I've been craving to share all things lovely with anyone and everyone. We all have been blessed and most of these blessing have been overlooked. Mostly because they are the small, sweet things. But i am here to tell you that big shiny gestures are most definitely overrated and aren't that great most of the time anyway! With that have been said, welcome to Sweetly Captivated Lovely's! Its a pleasure having you.