
Showing posts from July, 2019

Abigail: Preparing in a time of peace- Part One

"Abigail Wasted no time. She quickly gathered 200 loaves of bread, two wineskins full of wine, five sheep that had been slaughtered, nearly a bushel of roasted grain, 100 clusters of raisins and 200 fig cakes..."(1 Samuel 25:18) Talk about a woman! Upon hearing of her husband insulting David, and the plans David had over her husband and home, Abigail wasted no time- she had a plan, she was prepared.  Abigail, described as a sensible and beautiful woman (1 Samuel 25:3) was also a woman of wisdom, and humility. In an unexpected time of chaos, when trouble came abruptly, Abigail was prepared. Not only did she have a plan in set, she was ready to execute without hesitation. To be honest, I do not know much women who can QUICKLY [keyword] gather together 200 loaves of bread, 200 fig cakes, and the rest of the things she brought. She had to have been a woman that delegated work wisely and she wasn't slow to get things done. It also goes to show she was well prepared and had w