
Showing posts from 2019

In a year of October’s

Ah October! The month where typically sandals are traded in for booties and iced coffees are swapped for PSL’s. A month where the air turns crisp, and the foliage transforms to hues of yellows and oranges (with the exception of the state of Florida). Over the past few years, October has consistently been a month of breaking, a month of tears and a month of learning to step forward into the unknown future. From switching jobs, to loosing a dear friend or even closing a door to a prospective relationship.  Walking through the valleys of life are inevitable. However, allowing your circumstances to affect your joy is definitely preventable. The word of God calls us to be Joyful in Hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in Prayer (Romans 12:12). In seasons of crushing, pain and change, what I have found Vital is lifting your praise to Whom it only belongs to. Whether it be a offering or sacrifice of praise, When we shift our gaze on Him, everything changes. It has to change, and it sure

Abigail: Preparing in a time of peace- Part One

"Abigail Wasted no time. She quickly gathered 200 loaves of bread, two wineskins full of wine, five sheep that had been slaughtered, nearly a bushel of roasted grain, 100 clusters of raisins and 200 fig cakes..."(1 Samuel 25:18) Talk about a woman! Upon hearing of her husband insulting David, and the plans David had over her husband and home, Abigail wasted no time- she had a plan, she was prepared.  Abigail, described as a sensible and beautiful woman (1 Samuel 25:3) was also a woman of wisdom, and humility. In an unexpected time of chaos, when trouble came abruptly, Abigail was prepared. Not only did she have a plan in set, she was ready to execute without hesitation. To be honest, I do not know much women who can QUICKLY [keyword] gather together 200 loaves of bread, 200 fig cakes, and the rest of the things she brought. She had to have been a woman that delegated work wisely and she wasn't slow to get things done. It also goes to show she was well prepared and had w